Chain Reflex® Method

Our unique Chain Reflex® training method is a multi-disciplinary wellness program in which every aspect is supervised by a doctor. The customization of your fitness program doesn’t begin with a cookie cutter exercise regimen – it begins with you.

Dr. Daryl will go through a careful analysis of not only your goals, but also your truth of function. These aspects of who you are will inform the strategies he will develop and the tools you will use to help you move better and feel better.

This is hands-on fitness.

We live our lives in three dimensions, and Chain Reflex® will help you strengthen in all planes of motion. Dr. Daryl’s unique approach is strictly one-on-one to help you better understand your own movement patterns and to help you make adjustments where necessary. Whether you want to make it through your normal day without pain, run a marathon, hit the golf ball farther, or if you need rehabilitation, Chain Reflex® will be highly effective in helping you reach beyond your goals.

Truth of Function
– Why Your Body is Unique

  • Upper or lower body dominance
  • Right or left hand dominance
  • Hours of sitting or standing
  • Asymmetrical sports strength
  • Pain that effects movement
  • Tight shoulders
  • Weak knees
  • Achy lower back
  • Trauma or injury

Customized Training

Safe and challenging workouts customized for your fitness level and centered on your personal goals. This goes beyond personal training and rehab.  >>More


Youth Athletics

Don’t let your child be sidelined with overuse injuries. A functional movement assessment and strategy can help prevent an injury before it happens.>>More

targeted sports training

Targeted Sports Training

We offer customized power generation training for every type of sport. Coupled with naprapathic care, we offer an unrivaled potential for improvement. >>More